
HybridChart and Mingle Health Partner to Enhance Value Based Care for Healthcare

HybridChart, the leading mobile rounding workflow solution for doctors, and Mingle Health, a premier provider of healthcare analytics, announced today a formal partnership to improve Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) performance for healthcare providers. To see our official press release, click here. To learn more about how this partnership can benefit you and your […]
This post HybridChart and Mingle Health Partner to Enhance Value Based Care for Healthcare was featured on HybridChart, Inc

Making Hospital Rounding Simple

Becoming a modern physician requires embracing new technologies and processes to make patient care more efficient and effective. One such technology that has made a huge impact on hospital workflow management is HybridChart. This innovative platform has been designed by physicians, for physicians, and offers a comprehensive solution to the problems that have plagued […]
This post Making Hospital Rounding Simple was featured on HybridChart, Inc

The Rounding Revolution: From Paper to Cloud-Based Systems

Hospital rounding has long been a paper-based process. Providers would print a list of patients, collect paper face sheets for patient demographics and insurance information, and gather charges along the way, all while stuffing them into the seemingly bottomless pit of their pockets. However, this outdated method is now being replaced by cloud-based mobile […]
This post The Rounding Revolution: From Paper to Cloud-Based Systems was featured on HybridChart, Inc

Streamlining Workflow in Inpatient Medicine: The Power of a HIPAA Compliant Solution

Inpatient medicine is a complex field where patients are often cared for by a team of doctors and APPs, with responsibilities and patient censuses constantly changing. Relaying information between providers can be time-consuming, especially without a streamlined solution in place. This results in a fragmented workforce, with a lot of wasted time and potential […]
This post Streamlining Workflow in Inpatient Medicine: The Power of a HIPAA Compliant Solution was featured on HybridChart, Inc

Doctor Insecurity: How Apps Are Protecting Patient Data

We’re all guilty of it at one point or another: Unable to find our password and in a rush to send a quick note to a colleague, we open our smartphone messaging app and fire off that message. As that urgent missive makes its way through cyberspace, a cabal of hackers standby, waiting to […]
This post Doctor Insecurity: How Apps Are Protecting Patient Data was featured on HybridChart, Inc